Message From Virgin Mary: ‘Victim Soul’

Thursday, July 28th, 2011 @ 14:25


Thursday, July 28th, 2011 @ 14:25

My child, it is with great joy that I come to help guide you in your Mission to help my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save even more souls. Your final surrender to offer to the Most High, God the Father, your agreement to become a victim soul is accepted with great joy in the Heavens.

You, my child, are now going to help save those souls who would otherwise have been destined for the pits of darkness. This offering will be rewarded with special graces to give you the strength to endure trials with greater ease. Your spirit, my child, will now be strengthened so that matters pertaining to the materialistic world will matter little in your eyes.

Always call on me, your Mother and mentor, to bring you into the Bosom of my precious, beloved Son, Jesus Christ and God the Most High. Pray now to prepare adequately to consecrate yourself properly for this important challenge.

I will always cover you with my Holy Mantle and you, my sweet child, will always be close to my Heart.

Your beloved Mother
Queen of the Angels
Jul 4, 2017
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