My Way Is Very Simple. You May Follow Me Any…

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 @ 23:30


Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 @ 23:30

My dearly beloved daughter, many will enthusiastically climb this difficult Path of Truth, just as it was on the way to Mount Calvary.

This is a challenging journey, fraught with many obstacles. For most people, they will find this climb painful, as many realisations will come to pass, including the fact that you will be despised for following Me. Others will try to stop you and will use every argument to pull you back, so that you will walk away from Me. Others will scream terrible things and will accuse you, not as a soldier of Christ, but as a tool of Satan.

Then, for those of you priests and servants among you, you will be ordered to leave Me in this final climb to the top. This climb is symbolic of the Way of the Cross.

All who follow Me, to help the Truth of My Teachings to be re-discovered in the world today – where people wear blindfolds and cannot differentiate between fact and fiction – will suffer a different kind of cruelty. They, My beloved followers, will be tormented with accusations that they belong to a cult. This particular insult suggests that they are deluded and not of sound mind. You must realise that this type of accusation is designed to create doubts in your mind.

My Way is very simple. You may follow Me any way you will. But you must honour Me in My Christian Churches, everywhere, for I have no other houses on Earth. Cults use other houses outside of My Church. When you are asked to leave My Church, it will be no different to the time My apostles, during My Time on Earth, were asked to do the same thing.

Ignore the taunts, the ridicule and those who use My Teachings and who then twist them, so that they can denounce My Messages given to you today.

Walk tall and march forward with confidence, for this battle will defeat the evil and the lies, planted by the deceiver, which casts a terrible darkness over innocent people, who cannot see what is happening.

Those who will find that they do not have the strength or the bravery to continue, please do not fear, for I will give you special Graces if you say this Crusade Prayer (108) Climbing the Hill of Calvary

Jesus, help me to find the courage, the bravery and the nerve, to stand up and be counted, so that I can join Your Remnant Army and climb the same Hill of Calvary, which You had to endure for My Sins.

Give me the power to carry Your Cross and Your load, so that I can help You save souls.

Rid me of my weakness.

Dispel my fears.

Crush all my doubts.

Open my eyes to the Truth.

Help me, and all those who respond to the Call to carry Your Cross, to follow You with a deep and humble heart and that by my example, others will pluck up the courage to do likewise. Amen.

Your beloved Jesus
Jul 11, 2017
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