The Earth Will Groan In Pain As The Antichrist…

Monday, November 5th, 2012 @ 18:50


Monday, November 5th, 2012 @ 18:50

My dearly beloved daughter, the world must now prepare for the great changes, which I have permitted, in order to prepare humanity for the Second Coming.

Much work has been done through My beloved followers, to save millions of souls; through the prayers I have given them.

Your loyalty to Me, your Jesus, My beloved followers, means that you have given souls over to Me who are now safe and who would, otherwise, have been cast into Hell.

So powerful are your prayers, that in time, as millions more accept My Messages of love and hope that billions of souls will be saved.

My work through you, My disciples, saves thousands and thousands of people daily. You must, therefore, never allow doubts, which will naturally assail you, from time to time, and which may prevent you from praying.

Now you must listen.

Much will happen now. The storms will increase all over the world and the earth will groan in pain as the antichrist prepares his entrance. It won’t be long before he will present himself.

Keep focused, My daughter, on the spreading of My Word, although many obstacles may face you. Let nothing delay My Messages from being given to everyone.

It will not be the number of people who will receive The Book of Truth or My Messages, but the number of people who recite My Crusade Prayers, that will make the difference.

The prayers will weaken the power of the antichrist.

It will be the chastisements sent to earth by My Father, which will slay those leaders and groups who dare to hurt His children.

The Power of God will cover those who love Him.

The Power of God will protect those who convert.

God, My Eternal Father, will keep pouring His Graces until His Power covers and protects all of His children on earth.

Go in peace, hope and love. Trust in Me, and all will be well. Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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