The First Judgement Is Close And I Will Cast…

Thursday, August 15th, 2013 @ 21:57


Thursday, August 15th, 2013 @ 21:57

My dearly beloved daughter, I Call on all of My disciples, who know the Truth, to show courage in these difficult times for humanity.

The time when wars will break out in many nations, at the same time, is very close. When you hear of all of these wars and witness the sheer cruelty of those oppressors, all joined at the hip, who cause these wars, you will know the time for My Second Coming is close.

More of you will recognise the Truth contained in the Book of John – the Revelation – as it is now being revealed to you. Do not fear, for all of these things must come to pass. Many, who do not accept these Messages make a grave mistake, for the Book of Truth is comprised simply of the detail and the secrets contained in the Book of Revelation. I, the Lamb of God, Am the only Authority – only I have permission from My Father – to open the Seals contained therein.

If you do not believe in the Book of Truth, then you do not believe in the Book of Revelation. Be warned. Those who reject the Book of Revelation forsake My Mercy. But the Truth will be shown to them during My Great Warning through Divine Intervention, for otherwise many would never know Me or understand the great Mercy I bring the world. You must never add to the Book of Revelation, try to interpret it or take anything out of it to suit your own desires, for you will suffer for this. When you do these things you tamper with the Word of God. This Book was promised to you. God has sent His 7th messenger to reveal the Truth. Accept this with trust in Me or you will walk alone, in ignorance of the terrible deceit which will befall those who reject the Word of God.

Many, many changes will now take place in the world, which no man will fail to notice. Religions will become a nonsense, as millions will adopt a pagan faith, which they will be told is to honour God. Humility and love for the poor will be the reasons, you will be told, why the renewed and enlightened church will herald a new beginning. Like lambs to the slaughter, you will be led into the lake of fire. When you realise the terrible abomination, which you have been drawn into, it may be too late. When you pay homage to the beast, he will infest you and many will, in time, become slaves.

Great changes in the world’s political and media systems will result in a great division. Those who are loyal to God in everything that was given to the world through Me, Jesus Christ, will live. Those who reject Me will have no life, for they will become incapable of accepting My Mercy. My Heart, although it will be cut in half because of this, will become hardened and My Justice will prevail.

The First Judgement is close and I will cast the wicked aside, as the New Heaven and New Earth will only welcome those who accepted My Mercy. Many will say: “God is Merciful. He would never show such cruelty.” My answer is this. The Earth, as you know it, will be no more. Instead, a new renewed Earth will emerge – much larger, greater than before, where twelve nations will reside, side by side, in loving harmony. Only those who remain loyal to Me and those who do not know Me, but who do accept My Hand, when I prove to them the Truth at The Warning, will enter the gates. I will then shut them. No other man will enter then, for My Judgement will be cast. All sorrow will be forgotten and the wicked will be cast into Hell, where they will suffer an eternity. Man must never underestimate My Great Love, Mercy and Compassion. But he should also fear My Punishment for it will be final when the last trumpet sounds on the Great Day of the Lord.

And then, it will be over.

Your Jesus
Jul 12, 2017
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