Trust Is The Key To True Love

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 @ 15:40


Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 @ 15:40

My dearly beloved daughter, when a child of loving parents feels love, he or she will be nurtured with a great sense of comfort and familiarity.

The love between a child – fortunate to have loving parents – and family, stems from an ingrained sense of trust. This trust is absolute. The same is true for every living soul who loves Me unconditionally. My Love for them is unshakable. Trust is the key to true love. Every child of Mine is loved, although their love for Me is not always there.

Love Me and you will feel peace. Love Me and you will love all those who are children of God. This love is a natural thing. Without it you cannot be whole.

When I Am in you, you will see the world as I do in all its glory as well as in its imperfections. You will recognize the obstacles, which face humanity and you will feel a wretchedness when you witness hatred in any form for hatred is the opposite to love.

Pray, pray, pray that love for God remains alive in the world, for without it you will feel desolate and isolated.

Love Me as I love all of God’s children and I will pour great Graces upon you and you will overcome evil in all its forms.

Your beloved Jesus
Jul 16, 2017
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