Paganism Is Rampant And A Fascination With The…

Thursday, August 16th, 2012 @ 03:15


Thursday, August 16th, 2012 @ 03:15

My dearly beloved daughter I love all God’s children but, at this time, the level of darkness which sweeps the world means that I weep with worry because of the state of their souls.

So few understand the Truth of their future life which awaits them in the New Era of Peace, in the world to come. The world without end.

If they could only see it, touch it, savour it and witness the love and peace which lies ahead they would pray to Me every second of the day begging Me for the right to enter this New World, the New Era, the New Beginning.

It is the perfect state of unity for their families and all their brothers and sisters. It is not an empty promise. It is the Paradise created for all God’s children.

The fallen angels, which sweep the world are seeking out souls everywhere in order to seduce them.

They use violence, hatred and other temptations to encourage the widespread sin so evident everywhere.

Pornography is now being spread in the most subtle ways to seduce and encourage sin.

Laws are being passed to ensure that sin is accepted everywhere.

Even My Church is endorsing laws, which offend God.

It will continue like this until mankind will behave like animals with no sense of godliness.

Paganism is rampant and a fascination with the occult is being encouraged so that through the world of entertainment it will appeal to young souls.

Wake up now before it is too late to save your souls.

Parents must rise in unison in accordance with My Heart’s desire to protect the young whose souls are the number one target of the evil one.

He knows how precious young souls are to Me and he will relentlessly seek them out.

I ask you to say this Crusade Prayer (73) for Young souls, Young Children.

O Jesus help me to save the souls of young people all over the world.

By Your grace help them to see the Truth of Your existence.

Bring them to Your Sacred heart and open their eyes to Your Love and Mercy.

Save them from the fires of Hell and through my prayers have Mercy on their souls. Amen.

Your Jesus
Jul 7, 2017
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