Virgin Mary: Conversion Can Weaken The Impact…

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 @ 12:40


Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 @ 12:40

My child let all God’s children know that the more opposition that there is to the Holy Word of my Son, at this time, the more will be the graces poured out upon the disciples of my Beloved Son.

All the prophecies foretold can be mitigated in many ways were all God’s children to accept the grace of conversion.

Conversion can weaken the impact of the antichrist. Your daily prayers, including the recital of the Crusade Prayers will help bring this about.

To those who oppose my Son’s Mission on earth I ask that you pray for their souls.

This battle for souls is intense and you must rise above the torment and the scourging to ask me to pray for poor misguided souls who believe that they speak in the Name of my Son but who are, instead, being deceived by the evil one.

My Son will never give up His quest for souls especially those who reject Him, mock His Holy Word and whose souls are blackened by sin.

You must stay strong, children, all of you and remain firm in your resolution to do the Holy Will of my Son.

This will not be easy but to gain entry to the New Paradise is not easy.

It requires much patience, much prayer, much love for one another and the ability to forgive all those who cause you grief and who desecrate the Word of my Son.

Thank you for responding to my call.

Mother of Salvation
Jul 8, 2017
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