When They Deliberately Bribed Liars To Deny My…

Saturday, August 4th, 2012 @ 10:35


Saturday, August 4th, 2012 @ 10:35

My dearly beloved daughter mankind must understand the weakness of human nature before they can truly entrust themselves into the arms of God.

To those faithful amongst you, your faith and love for Me, your Saviour, brings Me great joy.

But when you say you love Me, this brings with it a great responsibility.

Never forget the weakness in your nature, though no your fault of your own as you were born with original sin, as it can cause you to sin when you are least expecting it.

When the souls of those who say they love Me reach a stage where they are consumed with love for Me that is when they have to be careful. Sometimes this makes them feel elevated in My Eyes, which is true because they are.

But then comes the temptation to see others in a less than flattering light.

They can be tempted to, not just feel compassion for those poor souls who are in darkness or confused but to look down upon them.

Sometimes their strong faith and knowledge of scriptures gives them a false sense of security.

They believe they know everything regarding the teachings of the Church, My Church, My Body on earth.

This is what happened the Pharisees.

They thought they knew everything about the Laws of God. The Love of God.

What they failed to understand was the prophesies, foretold so clearly, about the coming of the Messiah. This meant that they rejected the Christ, the Son of the Living God, when He came as promised.

The cruelty they showed Me, Jesus Christ Son of Man, was in complete contradiction to the love they claimed to have for God.

If they truly loved God they would never have treated any child of God as they did.

Their minds were closed to the prophecies given to the world through the prophets, which proclaimed the Truth.

The Truth is that all prophecies will be fulfilled as promised by God.

They rejected The Messiah, promised to provide the future salvation for the whole of humanity.

In turn, through their lies, when they deliberately bribed liars to deny My Resurrection, the Pharisees denied generations of Jews the right to the Truth.

My Death on the Cross wasn’t enough for them. They wanted to ensure that no trace existed of Me, the Redeemer of the world afterwards.

They then went back and led God’s children into a false faith in which the Truth became a lie.

Remember the prophecies from God are always fulfilled.

My Second Coming is now about to be fulfilled. This time the leaders in the Christian Churches will deny Me like the Pharisees did.

They will torment Me, My prophets, My people and anyone who dares to spread the Truth of My Coming.

Do not deny Me this time.

Open your hearts.

Listen carefully to me as I prepare you for the final chapter in the salvation of the world.

Your Jesus
Jul 7, 2017
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